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Author: jonathanleach_s6sjfr

What Can a Trial Consultant Help You With?

When going to trial, there are often many things you can do to prepare that unfortunately very often fall through the cracks of the process. This is where a trial consultant comes in. A trial consultant can help you with a wide variety of things that your lawyer might not be able to. We work […]

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Why is Witness Preparation Important?

Have you ever had to give a speech in front of a large crowd or an important presentation at work in front of your colleagues? Whether it’s just a few coworkers in the room or a dozen strangers, public speaking can be terrifying. In fact, it’s frequently rated as the number one fear most people […]

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The Benefits of Visual and Auditory Presentations

When you were in school, sitting through a lecture, your teacher most likely relied on both visual and auditory tools to better give their presentation. Think about it. As your teacher spoke, they probably used a PowerPoint presentation or the chalkboard to illustrate their thoughts more clearly. But even with this visual aid, they probably […]

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What’s Involved in Witness Preparation?

In a given trial, witnesses can help you make or break your case. While the purpose of bringing on witnesses to have them share vital information that can help your case, their presentation and the questions they receive during the trial may actually sway your chances in the opposite direction. To avoid this, witness preparation […]

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The Benefits of Using a Shadow Jury in a High-Profile Case

In many high-profile court cases, the final verdict often falls into the hands of the jury. The jury, which is often comprised of random people from throughout a community—random people who all have their own belief systems, opinions, and ideas—is used to determine the facts of the case, determining based on these facts whether a […]

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What Can a Trial Consultant Help You With?

If you have an upcoming trial, a trial consultant will be able to help you and your attorney better prepare through research and education. Jonathan Leach, LLC is a trial consultant based in El Paso who can help people anywhere in the United States prep for an upcoming trial. Here are a few things a […]

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Trial Consultant