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How to Prepare for Your First Mock Trial

How to Prepare for Your First Mock Trial

Mock trials in El Paso allow students and aspiring legal professionals to practice trial procedures and legal reasoning in a controlled environment. An effective mock trial can significantly impact individual performance and the overall learning experience. At Jonathan Leach, we help individuals create well-designed mock trials that simulate real-world conditions. Contact us online or call […]

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Understanding the Role of the Witness: A Guide to Effective Testimony

Understanding the Role of the Witness: A Guide to Effective Testimony

During a trial, witnesses play a significant role in shedding light on events that transpired to assist the courts in their decision-making process. As trials proceed, witnesses offer their accounts, insights, and expertise to aid in the search for truth.  Through effective witness preparation, the team at Jonathan Leach can help coach witnesses to provide […]

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The Use of Jury Consultants in Legal Proceedings

The Use of Jury Consultants in Legal Proceedings

Whether you’re involved in a civil case, criminal trial, or complex litigation, the jury’s composition and understanding of a case can significantly influence the verdict. In these scenarios, the expertise of a jury consultant becomes immeasurable. With meticulous jury research and strategic insights, a jury consultant can provide invaluable assistance to attorneys through jury research […]

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The Art of Preparation: A Comprehensive Guide to Mock Trial Training

The Art of Preparation: A Comprehensive Guide to Mock Trial Training

Whether you’re an aspiring attorney in El Paso or someone interested in the legal field, participating in mock trials provides a unique opportunity to practice critical skills such as research, public speaking, and strategic thinking.  Put your skills to the test with a mock trial with our team at Jonathan Leach, LLC. Our mock trials […]

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Litigation Consulting in Complex Cases: Navigating Challenges

Litigation Consulting in Complex Cases: Navigating Challenges

Litigation can be a complex process. Whether you are an attorney representing a client in a legal dispute or an individual involved in a lawsuit, the challenges can be numerous. That’s where litigation consulting can make a difference. With the help of Jonathan Leach, LLC, we help attorneys, parties, clients, and witnesses in El Paso […]

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The Importance of Witness Preparation

The Importance of Witness Preparation

How Witness Prep Can Help You Win Your Case One of the most important pieces of any trial is the witnesses that tell what happened. Just as a well-prepared witness can help prove your case, an ill-prepared witness can derail the entire trial. Witness preparation, therefore, can be critical to ensure that the individuals you […]

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What Is a Shadow Jury?

What Is a Shadow Jury?

How a Shadow Jury May Help You Win Your Case During a jury trial, it may be challenging to get a good read on the jurors. You may be unsure whether a witness’s testimony seemed credible or if a piece of evidence was effective. A shadow jury can help you determine if your case is […]

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What Does a Trial Consultant Do?

What Does a Trial Consultant Do?

How a Trial Consultant Can Help You Win Your Case If you are preparing for a contentious trial, it is important to use every tool available. Attorneys often turn to trial consultants to help them with everything from jury selection to witness preparation. Hiring a trial consultant can help you discover any weaknesses in your […]

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How a Mock Trial Can Help You Win Your Case

How a Mock Trial Can Help You Win Your Case

Why a Mock Trial Is a Key Part of Trial Preparation A mock trial can significantly help you prepare your case for trial. With a mock trial, you can gain unparalleled insight into your case and improve any potential areas of weakness before going in front of a jury.  At Jonathan Leach, LLC, we have […]

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Trial Consultant